Monday May 06, 2019
05-05-19 German Romantics - WCRI’s Festival Series featuring The Newport Music Festival

In this program WCRI host Mike Maino and The Newport Music Festivals Executive Director Pamela Pantos continue to preview the Newport Music Festival 2019 Season. In today's show they discuss German Romantics concert at The Breakers on Wednesday, July 10th @ 8PM. Liszt captivated audiences of the 1800s. He abandoned his life of a touring piano virtuoso in 1848 to conduct. However, he did produce Two Concert Etudes amongst his final compositions. In Waldesrauschen (Forest Murmurs), Liszt creates the world of a mysterious forest, while Gnomenreigen (Round Dance of the Gnomes) glitters and sparkles. While still performing, Liszt had been drawn to the idea of composing piano works based on themes of specific national character, and in 1863 he created his Spanish Rhapsody based upon well-known themes. There are extended passages of incredible brilliance before the closing “roof-rattling” virtuosity. His Hungarian Rhapsody No. 12 demands similar talent and flair while presenting tunes from Hungarian Gypsy bands. For more information on the Newport Music Festival or to purchase tickets to one of their concerts visit or call 401-849-0700.