This month's The 95.9 Company Break welcomes the co-owner of Discover Your Dog in Westerly, RI, Heidi Benson. Discover Your Dog is Westerly, RI's only dog day camp, training, & sports facility with 20k square feet of indoor and outdoor training & play space. They bring out the best in the relationship between you and your pup and help you Discover Your great Dog within! If your dog does any of the following, they can help...Pull you on walks, Doesn't come when called, Digs holes, Chews on valuables, Resource Guards, Jumps on guests/counter/furniture, Lunges at other dogs/people on-lead, Ignores you, Runs away off-lead, Exhibits symptoms of Anxiety, Fear, Aggression, Shyness, etc. They use science-proven, evidence & relationship-based behavioral modification & training that yield practical, lifelong results. For more information, call 401-584-0676 or visit www.dydri.com